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Scholars' Bowl


Scholar's Bowl is a competition-style academic challenge.  Students from our school are selected based on their knowledge of all content matters, including but not limited to:  Art, Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Current Events, Sports, Geography, Bible, etc.  No content matter is exempt from scholar's bowl.  The students compete in groups of four against other teams from various locations, using buzzer systems and differing question formats. 

We compete annually in several competitions listed below:

The Madison CouSaventy Regular Season

The Madison County Tournament

The Arab Fun Tournament – Arab Jr. High School

The Cullman Scholars’ Bowl competition – Cullman Middle School

The Russellville Scholars’ Bowl competition – Russellville Middle School

LAMP scholars’ bowl competition – The Lamp School in Montgomery

District Competition – Challenger Middle School in Huntsville

When we have an invitation, we try to compete in certain competitions below:

The Wildcat Challenge in Edmonson, KY

Liberty Middle School Invitational – Liberty Middle, Madison, Al.

When we have qualified for certain tournaments, we compete in those as well:

State Competition in Hoover

NAQT Finals Location (TBD) 2017 – Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX, but each year is different.

Questions Unlimited Finals – Chicago, Ill. or Washington, DC.




Gene Cox
